
The scientific and academic department

Mélissa Rahmouni
Axel Raphalen

Scientific and academic cooperation

The scientific and university cooperation department facilitates exchanges between French and Danish students and researchers, and promotes the quality of French research and innovation. All scientific disciplines are covered, with a particular focus on technological, energy and bio-medical sciences.

Our geographical scope of action covers the whole of the Kingdom of Denmark: mainland Denmark, the Faroe Islands and Greenland.

We manage two programs for scientific cooperation between researchers: IFD Sciences and Blåtand. French researchers selected for their project receive a grant to travel and meet their Danish counterparts. These meetings are an opportunity to develop their networks and collaborations between their laboratories, as well as to launch cooperation projects with a European dimension.

To keep abreast of French scientific activity in Denmark, join our LinkedIn group "Danish-French Scientific Cooperation".

To ensure student exchanges and stays between France and Denmark, we also put Danish and French higher education establishments in touch with each other. Danish students interested in higher education in France receive information and support from Campus France Danemark.

For the general public, we offer events, conferences and round tables on current scientific topics: renewable energies, artificial intelligence, quantum physics. We work in collaboration with French and Danish researchers, thinkers and scientific institutions.

Don't hesitate to contact us if you have a project or an idea for scientific and academic cooperation!
