From October 25 to November 3, you can attend the 39th edition of the LGBTQIA+ film festival MIX Copenhagen, arranged in collaboration with the Danish Film Institute and the Commune of Copenhagen. The programme offers a wide range of international films and short films, primarily shown in Cinemateket and Empire Bio, and this year you can discover the following 6 French works:
Si je meurs, ce sera de joie (If I Die, It'll Be of Joy)
CINEMATEKET 26/10 16.15 / CINEMATEKET 29/10 18.45
Alexis Taillant - 2023 - Documentary - 80min - French w. English subtitles
Micheline, 81 years old, dreams of orgasms. Francis, 70, relentlessly challenges taboos surrounding old age. Yves, 68, a hopeless romantic, eagerly seeks love. In a world that underestimates the power of the elderly, they are part of a group of activists who defy prejudices and dare to reinvent sexuality, love, and rethink old age.
Un jour fille (Girl for a Day)
CINEMATEKET 27/10 21.30 / EMPIRE BIO 02/11 19.30
Jean-Claude Monod - 2024 - Feature - 93min - French w. English subtitles
Young Anne is urged by a priest and her family to dress as a man and change her name due to her attraction to women. Living as a man, he falls in love with and marries a woman - until his past catches up with him. This historical drama is based on the true story of Anne Grandjean, born intersex, and their resounding trial.

CINEMATEKET 28/10 19.15 / EMPIRE BIO 3/11 19.30
Matthiad Luthardt - 2023 - France/Germany - Feature - 95min - French and German w. English subtitles
Alsace, late summer 1918. Luise, a young farmer, lives alone near the French border when she meets Hélène, a French woman pursued by Hermann, a German soldier. Injured, Hermann is forced to stay, becoming a deserter. As the two women grow closer, Hermann tries to interfere. A new relationship forms between the three, filled with love, competition, and hatred.

La casquette (The Hat)
CINEMATEKET 27/10 14.15 - Short film programme “Voices of Resistance”
Hadi Moussally - France/Lebanon - 2022 - 4min - French w. English subtitles
Hadi looks into the camera while getting dressed. As he prepares himself, he shares the weight of discrimination he faces as a gay Arab, grappling with the double stigma he carries.

Les Sports X-trem (The Sports X-trem)
CINEMATEKET 31/10 16.30 - Short film programme “Trans-formania”
Gio Ventura - France - 2023 - 19min - French w. English subtitles
Lino trains day and night under the astute supervision of Loana, a renowned boxing champion. Muscled flirting or sporty bromance? Between coups de fonte and satin bed sheets, their common goal is the ultimate simultaneous knockout.

La Vénus d'argent (Spirit of Ecstasy)
EMPIRE BIO 26/10 19.30 - CINEMATEKET 31/10 21.45
Héléna Klotz - France - 2023 - Feature - 98min - French w. English subtitles
Jeanne lives on a military base with her father, little brother and sister. She is determined to make it in the world of finance. Not for the glory or wealth, but because it’s their chance of freedom, of getting out of their stagnant familial environment. In a tough male-dominated world where money and power are everything, will Jeanne find their place?

Discover the full programme and buy tickets HERE.