
Parlons de Camille Claudel

Institut français du Danemark, Rolighedsvej 37, 1958 Frederiksberg C
15.01.2025 / 13:00 - 14:00

Camille Claudel or the genius of sculpture

Becoming an artist when you're a woman in the mid-19th century is not something you can take for granted, and involves confronting moral prejudice, restrictions on art education, and male domination. Come and discover Camille Claudel who, without compromise, put her life at the service of her artistic creation.

She sank into paranoia, where her crises centered on "Rodin's gang" affected her creativity to the point of drying it up. She was confined on 10 March 1913 for the rest of her life.

  • A ticket for "Les rendez-vous du mercredi après-midi" costs 100 Dkk (without drinks)
  • This lecture is in easy-to-understand French.
