BUSTER Film Festival is a unique cultural programme for children and young people, creating great experiences and encouraging play, community and curiosity based on the fantastic world of film. The festival is aiming to find the very best film and media content for children and young people. Every autumn, the festival presents a programme of films from around the world that have something to tell and that provide insight into completely different realities.
BUSTER can be experienced in Copenhagen and the surrounding area, in the cinemas Empire Bio, Grand Teatret, Cinemateket, Park Bio, Big Bio Nordhavn and Vue Fisketorvet. The festival also has a large cinema tent at Amager Fælled and is present at libraries, cultural institutions and museums such as Arken and Louisiana.
Tickets cost between DKK 20-80 and must be purchased directly on the BUSTER website.
In this year's impressive programme, you can experience these 9 French and Francophone films and short films:
Your French is Perfect (Ton français est parfait)
Julie Daravan Chea / France / 2020 / 4 min
Aline has to help her mum at the municipal office because she doesn't speak the language of her family's new home country, France, very well. The kids in the street shout ‘Chinese’ at Aline, ask about Corona and if she eats dogs. Aline is tired of being different. She's tired of being better at French than her mum. She hates the sound of her mum practicing the new language and she desperately tries to keep her mum from going to the meeting at school. She doesn't want to be different, outside and Chinese. But her mum is not as stupid as she thinks.

Marguerite's Theorem (Le théorème de Marguerite)
Anna Novion / France / 2023 / 113 min
Marguerite is a maths geek. Known for wearing slippers, she loves to immerse herself in mathematical thought experiments as the only girl in a world of elite mathematicians at a renowned French university. For her, maths is not about answering a question and finding an answer, but about exploring, asking questions and finding connections between phenomena. She dreams about maths, she is maths. When her professor lets her down, she has to take matters into her own hands and find her own path. A path that leads her to Chinatown, Chinese poker and unexpected friendships.

Kina & Yuk (Kina et Yuk, renards de la banquise)
Guillaume Maidatchevsky / France, Canada & Italy / 2023 / 85 min
Two Arctic foxes are the main characters in this beautiful, adventurous film about real life foxes in the real world of northern Arctic Canada. The narrator is accompanied by the music of an entire symphony orchestra to guide us through the fun, exciting story of the two foxes and their lives in the snow and in Jack City. And there are many other animals in the story. Reindeer, polar bears, owls, stoats, martens, seals, hares, sled dogs, cats, rabbits and wolves. And avalanches, northern lights and... cars. French director Guillaume Maidatchevsky tells the story from the animals' perspective and the result is one of the finest film adventures.

Shelter (Abri)
Julie Daravan Chea / France / 2023 / 3 min
‘In the hollow of your palm, where my hand seeks shelter’. A lovely summer night on a shelter trip with friends from class, a thunderstorm breaks out above the treetops in the deep forest. The ground shakes under the thunderclaps and the rain pours down. What do you do when you're terrified of thunderstorms and find yourself in a small tent with your friend in the middle of the rainy night? To the stanzas of the poem ‘Abri’ by Jewish-Belgian poet Esther Granek, French filmmaker Julie Daravan Chea transforms images of comfort into fantasy and friendship.

Yuck! (Beurk !)
Loïc Espuche / France / 2023 / 13 min
Summer flirting and holiday romance is everywhere on the campsite during summer break, even the old married couple finally finds time to... kiss. Leo follows it all with curiosity. It's different, fascinating and strange how exciting it actually is when people kiss each other. And now he wants to. Too. To. Kiss. Lucy.

The Lost Boys (Le Paradise)
Zeno Graton / France & Belgium / 2023 / 83 min
In a youth prison, Joe prepares for his return to society, uncertain of what kind of life awaits him on the other side of the wire. But when newcomer William moves into the neighbouring cell, Joe's longing for freedom is replaced by a desire for closeness and love. Joe and William circle each other with growing curiosity and desperation, and together they embark on a shared journey for love. Camera obscura footage, ink drawings, dance and rap become the means of expression. The film is about the first big crazy love in the confines of a youth prison. It is heartbreakingly romantic and passionate.

Coco Farm (Coco Ferme)
Sébastien Gagné / Canada / 2023 / 87 min
12-year-old Max is good at business. He can be described as an entrepreneur and there's always a lot going on around him. But when he moves to a small town in the countryside with his father, he is challenged. Nothing happens here. And yet... slowly a new business opportunity takes shape. An abandoned barn, 200 organic chickens, an old van, a ghost with good advice, new friends with their hearts in the right place and an influencer called Alice who knows a surprising amount about marketing and branding. Together they might be able to bring Max's new business plan to life and learn about the essence of any good business.

The Queen of the Foxes (La reine des renards)
Marina Rosset / Switzerland / 2022 / 9 min
A girl is being dragged into a mysterious mission deep in the woods. The queen of the foxes has lost her bravery and her spark and the animals of the forest have united to cheer her up. They want to make her feel full of beautiful and lovely feelings. In a beautiful impressionistic stroke, the cunning animals are brought to life in a sweet little animated tale that celebrates love.

The Birdhouse Stories (La cabane aux oiseaux)
Célia Rivière / France / 2020 / 45 min
Meet the man who is (maybe) taught how to fly by a flock of colorful birds, the hippo who is SO sad about his big bum, the penguin who is freezing, and Matthew who is afraid his dad won't pick him up from kindergarten in case his green car breaks down. And then there is the boy Gaston who walks around with a bird on his head, the bird that swallows a star and the five weird friends who are visited by a wonderfully exciting guy. On top of that, you get a beautiful reinterpretation of Hans Christian Andersen's Thumbelina.