
Panel discussion at Rosenborg Castle: Franco-Danish collaboration in tapestry and textile art

12.06.2024 / 17.30-18.45

In 2020, the New Carlsberg Foundation placed a historic order for 16 tapestries with Mobilier National, one of France's largest cultural institutions, which among its many tasks is responsible for the famous Gobelins workshops in Paris. Designed by artists Bjørn Nørgaard, Alexander Tovborg, Tal R and Kristine Roepstorff, these remarkable tapestries are destined for Koldinghus and will be delivered from 2025.

On the occasion of 3daysofdesign, this panel will take place in Rosenborg's beautiful Knight's Hall, and will bring together Christine Buhl Andersen, Chairperson of the New Carlsberg Foundation, Emmanuelle Petitdemange, General Administrator, Mobilier National and artists Bjørn Nørgaard and Alexander Tovborg to present this historic order and discuss the French-Danish collaboration in textile art. An introductory speech will be given by Thomas Thulstrup, Director of the Danish Royal Collection and H.E. Christophe Parisot, French Ambassador to Denmark.

The panel is organised by the French Institute in Denmark, the Royal Danish Collection, the New Carlsberg Foundation and Mobilier National.



Day and time: Wednesday, 12 June at 17.30-18.45

Adresse : Rosenborg Castle, Øster Voldgade 4A, 1350 Copenhague


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