
Parlons de Anna Boch

Institut français du Danemark, Rolighedsvej 37, 1958 Frederiksberg C
27.03.2025 / 19:30 - 20:30

The Impressionist painter who supported Vincent Van Gogh

Born into a wealthy bourgeois family, Anna Boch was able to lead a very independent life and devote herself to painting. When Van Gogh met his brother Eugène, he was very impressed by the fact that Eugène had a sister in the circle of "les vingtistes", otherwise known as the "XX", a Belgian artistic circle at the cutting edge of modernity.

Considered on an equal footing with her fellow painters of the time, she embarked on the adventure of Neo-Impressionism, with Paul Signac and Georges Seurat. Her luminous paintings illustrate her quest for line and color. A passionate nature lover, she captured the beauty of bucolic landscapes.

Philippe will introduce you to this painter who was a great collector of her contemporary fellow artists.

  • As part of our "Fransk for en hund" concept, the ticket costs DKK 100, with a glass of wine included in the price.
  • This lecture is given in easy-to-understand French.
