Retour sur l'émancipation des femmes
On November 20, 2024, essayist Véra Nikolski will come to Copenhagen to present her book “Féminicène”. The book dives into the history of feminism, its achievements, and the threats to women's emancipation.
Féminicène :
Women's social, political, and economic status has changed considerably throughout history, particularly in recent decades. But what are the decisive factors in this process? Starting from the premise that it's less a question of feminist demands than of technical and, in particular, medical progress, this book warns women that social destabilization due to climate disruption or the resource crisis could jeopardize the logic of emancipation.
Born into a family of scientists, Véra Nikolski graduated from the Ecole Normale Supérieure with a DEA in Social Sciences and a PhD in Political Science. Her second book, “Féminicène” (Fayard, 2023), is a work that combines feminism and ecological crisis.
Wednesday, November 20
- 3-4.30 pm: University of Copenhagen (KU), South Campus, room 12-0-25 (free admission - meeting in English)
- 5.30-6.30 pm: Den Franske Bogcafé, Fiolstræde 16 (free admission - meeting in French)
Véra Nikolski's visit is the second in a series of conferences on ecofeminism opened by philosopher Myriam Bahaffou on October 22 and 23, and forms part of the broader “Climate and Democracy” cycle initiated in 2024 by the French Institute.
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