"The Way We…" is an expressive dance performance created by Julienne Doko Dance and Sweden based Japanese choreographer Kyrie Oda. "The Way We…" is a duet that examines spoken and body language as intricate threads that weave our identities, unravel our stories to reveal the depth of our past and the essence of our being. "The Way We..." delves into this tapestry, unraveling not only our individual identities, but also the legacy we carry forward. Through language, both spoken and unspoken, we inherit cultural nuances, values and feelings. Every word spoken, every gesture, forms bridges between souls, carries the weight of our experiences and our shared humanity.
The performance is produced by Julienne Doko Dance in co-production with PAx Performing Arts Multiplied.
- Choreography and dance: Julienne Doko, Kyrie Oda
- Scenography: Kiss Lavin
- Composer: Gert Østergaard Pedersen
- Lighting design: Madeleine Lind Hoppe, Emil Vodder Kristensen
- Sound design: Emil Vodder Kristensen
- Costumes: Charlotte Østergaard
- Producer and production manager: Anne Mai Slot Vilmann
- Technician: Emil Vodder Kristensen
- Contributions to sound design: Julienne Doko, Jinya Imai
- Graphic designer: Steinunn Thorsteinsdottir
- Videographer: Am Media Group
- Artistic consultant: Katrina Bugaj
- Music consultant: Paulo C. Villegas
The performance is supported by the project support committee for the performing arts of the Danish Arts Foundation.