Abdellah Taïa à LiteratureXchange

Abdellah Taïa in Aarhus

Godsbanen, Skovgaardsgade 3, 8000 Aarhus C
21.06.2024 - 22.06.2024

Moroccan writer Abdellah Taïa will be taking part in LiteratureXchange, the international literature festival in Aarhus, on 21 and 22 June.

Abdellah Taïa was born in Salé, Morocco, in 1973. After studying French literature in Rabat and Geneva, he moved to Paris to do a doctorate in French literature at the Sorbonne. It was there that he discovered his taste for writing. His first collection of short stories, Mon Maroc, was published in 2001, and in 2010 his eighth book, Le Jour du roi won the Prix de Flore. Abdellah Taïa was one of the first Moroccan and Arab writers to come out publicly, both in his books and in the media, about his homosexuality - a theme he addresses in several of his works.
Five of his books have been published in Danish by Edition Arvids, including his latest novel, the highly acclaimed "Vivre à ta lumière", which he dedicates to his mother.

Abdellah Taïa will be speaking at LiteratureXchange:

- on 21 June at 1pm at Godsbanen: "Marokkko i litteraturen" (conversation - in French - with his translator Simon Hartling) - in partnership with the SLC - Dansk Selskab for Ny Fransksproget Litteratur

- 22 June at 1pm at Teater Katapult, Godsbanen with Danish-Moroccan author Elias Sadaq (moderated in English by Simon Hartling)

- 22 June at 8 pm at Teater Katapult, Godsbanen: "I lyset fra dig" - conversation in English with journalist Matthias Dressler-Bredsdorff

Photo credit: Denis Dailleux
