
Too late to wait!

Christianshavns Beboerhus ; Dronningensgade 34 ; 1420 Cph K
23.05.2023 / 17.00-21.30

On Thursday May 23, 2024 at Beboerhuset, the French Institute of Denmark will be hosting an evening of debate and culture on the theme of new forms of climate activism.

(Event in english)

Faced with the acceleration of the harmful effects of our thermo-industrial civilization, many countries have taken environmental measures to limit greenhouse gas emissions and the degradation of living organisms. However, as the latest IPCC report underlines, the policies put in place are highly inadequate, and more and more voices are being raised to denounce the inaction of our political leaders. Lacking a sense of representation, civil society is getting organized, and new forms of mobilization are emerging that sometimes clash with the traditional exercise of democracy. Climate marches, whistle-blowers, civil disobedience, site occupations, museum happenings... At a time when the existential threat of global warming weighs more and more heavily on Humanity, a renewal of democratic practices and debate seems more necessary than ever.


17h - 18h15 :
Lars Tønder (DK), professor of political science, & Albert Ogien (FR), sociologist, Matthias Dressler-Bredsdorff (DK), journalist (moderator)
18h15 - 18h45: Break
18h45 - 20h :
Esther Kjeldahl (DK), Fernando Racimo (ARG), activist and biologist, Salvatore Paolo De Rosa (IT), researcher in political ecology (moderator)
8pm - 9:30pm: Concert with Petite Victory Collective.



The "Too late to wait!" evening will be held in english, is part of La Nuit des idées and is supported by the French Institute in Paris.


